Policies and procedures

All outstanding fees from the previous year must be paid before placing a deposit for the new academic year.
Parents collect a queuing number from the Administration Staff.

Step 1:

          Parent completes the paperwork with the Registrar (including buses), and signs the Fiscal Policy Form.

Step 2:

          Parent pays re-registration fee of KD100 to the Accountant, plus the first installment.

Step 3:

          The Registrar prints out the “Registration and Student Information Form”. This form is signed by the Registrar, Accountant and the parent, and is kept on the student’s file.

Step 4:

          Uniform Shop – Uniform is selected and parent completes the Uniform Request Form. After Registration is completed, parent takes the form to the Accountant and pays for the uniform. Parent collects the uniform from the staff running the “Uniform Shop”.

Step 5:

          At the end of each day the Registrar checks all daily entries on the system and adds students to class lists (as per directions from the Principal).


The Registrar completes the appointment sheet for the Interview or Entrance Test once verification of the parent identification has been completed using the form Application for Registration – Entrance Exam (Form F015).

Students are interviewed or scheduled to sit for the MAP Entrance Exam (reserved for Saturdays), administered by the Designated and trained MAP Testing Committee member, and signed-off as accepted or not, by the Principal.

The School Principal reviews the report card and behavior report and signs the form to approve the student file for testing and to set appointment according to teacher availability (Pre-K to Grade 1), or MAP Test Schedule (Grade 2 to Grade 12).

The teacher conducting the interview will assess the test and submit it, as well as the form signed by him/her, to the Principal, indicating clearly the result and whether the child is accepted or not. For the MAP Test, the proctoring teacher will print the results, analyze the data, and make the necessary recommendation to the Principal.

The Registrar contacts the parents and informs them of the results, as well as to complete the student’s file by paying them down-payment, should the student be accepted.


N.B. No student will be admitted to testing without the necessary documents, nor the signatures of approval

  1. Re-Registration
  2. New Registration